There are two levels of scholarships that are available from the American Legion Auxiliary.
See brochure at bottom of page for other scholarship opportunities.
Department of California and National Scholarships
Applicants awarded scholarships by the Department of California American Legion Auxiliary have only two years to initiate use of the funds awarded. If a scholarship is not claimed by the university or college on behalf of the applicant within that two-year period, the Department Office will inquire in writing as to why these funds have not been used. If use of funds is not initiated within that time frame, they are to be reverted back to the funds from which they were originated. If the circumstances of nonuse are of a medical nature, it is by the discretion of the Deprt.President, Secretary/Treasurer, and the Chairman to extend the claim for an additional time period not to exceed 18 months, before funds are reverted back to where they were originated.
Applicant or Applicant’s parent must have served or be serving in the United States Armed Forces during any of the following eligible periods:
April 6, 1917 to November 11, 1918
December 7, 1941 to December 31, 1946
June 25, 1950 to January 31, 1955
February 28, 1961 to May 7, 1975
August 24, 1982 to July 31, 1984
December 20, 1989 to January 31, 1990
August 2, 1990 to the date of cessation of hostilities as determined by Congress.
Applicants for any Department of California Scholarship must be a resident of the State of California and planning on attending a college or university in Calfornia in the Fall. (Exception: Lucille Ganey Scholarship).
- Student obtains and completes application. Note: Online applications are two pages.
- Student locates closest American Legion Auxiliary Unit and submits application to them.
- The Unit selects one applicant for each type of scholarship and forwards applications to the District Education Chairman. Applicant is eligible to win one scholarship only.
- Other limitations may also apply.
- The District selects one applicant for each type of scholarship and forwards applications to the Department Education Chairman.
- The Department selects one winning applicant per scholarship and announces the winners during the June Convention. Winners are notified by the Department Education Chairman.
The number of scholarships offered by the Department of California is dependent upon donations received and availability of funds.
- Educational Assistance General Scholarship FORM. Applicant must fill out and submit one application.
a. One (1) $2,000 scholarship payable at $1,000 per year.
b. Four (4) $1,000 scholarships payable at $1,000 each.
c. Three (3) $500 scholarships payable at $500 each.
2. Continuing/Re-entry Students or students pursuing a higher degree Scholarship
a. One (1) $1,000 Mel Foronda Memorial Scholarship.
b. Two (2) $1,000 scholarships payable at $1,000 each.
c. Two (2) $500 scholarships payable at $500 each.
3. The following three scholarships are restricted to the winning California candidates in the event they do not win on the Western Division National Competition.
a. One (1) Spirit of Youth for Juniors Scholarship payable at $500.
b. One (1) $500 National President’s Scholarship payable at $500.
c. One (1) $500 National President’s Non-Traditional Scholarship, payable at $500.
4. Lucille Ganey Memorial Scholarship
a. One $500 scholarship shall be awarded annually to a California student attending Stephens College in Missouri or a California student already attending Stephens College.
5. Past Presidents Parley Nursing Scholarship
a. One $2,000 Nursing scholarship is awarded annually to a veteran or a veteran’s wife or husband, widow or widower, or child of a veteran of the World Wars, Korea, Vietnam Conflict, Grenada/Lebanon, Panama, and/or Persian Gulf.
b. Applications may be submitted by students planning to enter or currently enrolled in an accredited nursing school for the purpose of earning a Licensed Vocational Nurse, Registered Nurse or other recognized nursing degree.
c. Applicants must follow the Rules established for eligibility and provide all pertinent information as set forth in the Rules. Applications can be printed from the Department Web Site. All applications must be submitted by the student to a Unit for sponsorship no later than the 1st Friday in April. Units shall forward completed and signed applications to the Department Chairman no later than the 3rd Friday in April.
d. The winner of the $2,000 scholarship is disqualified from future $2,000 awards, but may be encouraged to apply for a lesser amount. A scholarship winner shall be given priority each year until graduation, provided the grades and need meets the requirements and a new application is submitted each year.
6. Past Department Presidents Junior Scholarship
a. Applicant must have consecutive membership as a Junior for three years and be current with her membership in the American Legion Auxiliary and must be a child, grandchild or great grandchild of a veteran who served in the Armed Forces of the United States during any of the following periods shown at the top of this page.
b. Applicant must be currently attending high school and will be attending college during the following academic year.
c. Applicant must be a resident of California or if applicant’s eligibility is by current members (Legion or Auxiliary) in California, the applicant may reside elsewhere.
d. The scholarship shall be payable to the applicant as soon as confirmation has been received by the Department Office from the college of the applicant’s choice.
e. The scholarship must be used within relative dates of one academic year following the award (i.e. September 04 – September 05) or be forfeited.